• 37 posts


We tour the Barbie exhibition at the Phoenix Art Museum on Mary Anne’s birthday.

by Steve

Return to Granite Mountain

Did you ever wake up on a sunny morning that was not too hot and decide that you wanted to take a hike that was not too long and not too hard? Then Granite Mountain is for you!

by Steve

Scottsdale Civic Center

The Scottsdale Civic Center, nestled at one end of Old Town, has been closed until recently for rennovation. We stopped by to take a look at the results.

by Steve

The Underworld

As we departed Bisbee, we toured a mine and a cave. One I can show you, one I cannot.

by Steve


A hike in the San Pedro Riparian National Conservation Area repeats an experience that we've had before.

by Steve


We visit a small, artsy town in the southeastern corner of Arizona.

by Steve

Taste: Intrinsic or Acquired?

To some, a desert walk is a bore. Others see more than cactus and rock.

by Steve

Gods and Others

What to do on a rare cold and wet day in Arizona? See what's new at the Phoenix Art Museum.

by Steve

The Cans of Anacortes

Like many small towns in the Pacific Northwest, Anacortes was all about timber and fish. With fishing came canning, and millions of fish left town in a tin can. There were quite a few brand names, more than I would have thought. Anacortes uses vintage cannery labels on its trash

by Steve