

  • 23 posts

Barcelona Leftovers

Before we left for Granada, i had a look through the photos I’d taken in Barcelona to see if there were any stragglers worth sharing. The answer to that question is up to you, I guess. Above is Barcelona’s Arc de Triomf, built for the 1888 World’s

by Steve


OK, it’s not really called Gaudiland. That’s just me being a smart-aleck. It’s really called Parc Güell, named for Eusebi Güell who was Gaudi’s patron. He dreamed of developing an English-style garden city on a hillside overlooking Barcelona. Gaudi’s job was to dress it up

by Steve

Apartment Life

Late in life, Gaudi devoted all his time to the Sagrada Familia. So much so, that he lived in his studio in the building. But as a younger man, he was just another working architect, albeit a famous one. Gaudi, build me a mansion. Gaudi, build me a private compound.

by Steve

A Palace of Music

The Palau de la Musica Catalana got its start early in the twentieth century because a local choral society wanted a place to perform. The result is a world class venue that offers concerts from Baroque to Rock. A lot of them. The hall is active over 300 nights a

by Steve

Sagrada Familia

I’ve wanted to see this place for quite a while. When I first came across photos of this crazy church with its fruit-topped spires and wild colors, i knew that it was a something to visit before shuffling off the old mortal coil. Before Gaudi, i guess the big

by Steve