

  • 13 posts

Genoa Bay

All you folks who’ve been to Italy listen up! This small bay on the eastern shore of Vancouver Island is not GEN-oa Bay, it’s Ge-NO-a Bay. Get it right. Don’t annoy the locals. Not that anyone around here is easily annoyed. Genoa Bay is a friendly place

by Steve

Almost Thinking Alike

Greg and Marlene Kleven are former owners of a Nordic 32, as are we. We’ve traveled together as far as Dent Island. They bought a Nordic 37, we bought a 40. We kind of think alike. Until now. I’m drinking coffee while tied to a dock in Sidney,

by Steve

The Girl Next Door

A short voyage to an obvious but unvisited place.

by Steve

Watching the Walkers

We drop anchor in Garrison Bay. This is where the British were stationed during the “Pig War” that ultimately decided the border between the US and Canada.

by Steve