

  • 13 posts

Étude moves on

Have you ever noticed that sometimes people say “I could care less” when they really mean that they could not possibly care less about something? I mention this because… Some of you may care less about how a Nordic Tug is built. Tough. Others have expressed interest and I’m

by Steve

Étude begins

It’s been quite a while since I announced that we would replace Impromptu with a new Nordic 40. What’s been going on since then, you may wonder. Construction has been delayed by the twin curses of the pandemic: labor shortage and supply chain delays. Whether they can make

by Steve

Première Ètude

We paid a visit to the Nordic Tug factory yesterday to go over options — how many fans? where? Cummins or Volvo engine? where to put the watermaker? — and confirm that they plan to build the boat we think they’re building. Now comes the part that everyone who has ever

by Steve


We started discussing a new boat built to our specifications in late 2020. Like building a house, there are a lot of decisions to be made and a certain amount of financial negotiation. After several years aboard Fiona Bean, a Nordic 26 and Impromptu, a Nordic 32, we had a

by Steve