
Photos from the Sea

This happens every time I take a trip. Many photos fit nicely into a narrative, some do not. Here are a few that didn’t. The Gulf Islands have become a parking lot for freighters waiting to unload at Vancouver. During the pandemic, the crew was not allowed to leave

by Steve
3 min read
Photos from the Sea

This happens every time I take a trip. Many photos fit nicely into a narrative, some do not. Here are a few that didn’t.

The Gulf Islands have become a parking lot for freighters waiting to unload at Vancouver. During the pandemic, the crew was not allowed to leave the ship. This could mean months aboard a decidedly non-luxury vessel.

The view from our slip at Coal Harbour marina in Vancouver.

Happy Hour at Coal Harbour with friends Janice, Barry and Alison.

An unfortunate jellyfish who failed to get the memo that the tide was going out at Princess Louisa..

Some people on Gabriola Island like to put interesting things by the roadside.

Yellow Point Lodge: kayaking and hiking by a tenacious tree.

Mallard Lake in Newcastle Island Provincial Park.

A view of Nanaimo from Newcastle Island.

Mary Anne celebrates Canada Day at the Dinghy Dock Pub while a kayaker honors his country another way.

Look carefully at the small sailboat on the left. This is what can happen when you don’t take the falling tide into account when you anchor.

An almost sculptural-looking stump at Drumbeg Provincial Park on Gabriola Island.

The Hornby Island commercial district.Seriously.

Mary Anne with the Ford Cove fire department.

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