
New blog, New rules

How to navigate the new Ghost-based blog.

by Steve
1 min read
New blog, New rules

If you've looked at my blog in the past few days, you might have been confused by the frequent changes in its appearance. I’ve been trying out the features and options Ghost offers. If you have thoughts on how to improve the site, feel free to share them.

Let me point out a few things that have changed, some for the better, some not so much.

  1. See the notice at the top of the main page about how to “subscribe”? You can ignore it; if you're reading this, you're already subscribed.
  2. See the “Sign in” button at the top-right? You will need to sign in if you want to comment on a post. Once signed in, there's really no reason ever to sign out, but you can by using the “Account” button.
  3. If someone replies to your comment, you will receive an email to let you know.
  4. Bad news: all comments made on the old WordPress site were lost during the conversion to Ghost. If you thought you made a particularly brilliant comment on a previous post, feel free to go back and add it again.
  5. Posts are marked with tags to classify them into various topics. If you click on the Topics link at the top of the page, you can see the topics available and how many posts each topic contains. Click on a specific topic, and you will be taken to a list of the relevant posts.
  6. Each post includes the names of its topics. (A single post may have more than one topic.) The topics are in oval-shaped buttons. Press a button, and you will be taken to a list of all the posts on that topic.
  7. Bad news: Only posts from 2023 and newer have been tagged with topics.
  8. There is no “Home” link to return to the main blog page. Just click on “Mary Anne and Steve’s Travels” wherever you see it to return to the home page.
  9. There’s an unsubscribe link at the bottom of every email. Look at the bottom of this one. See the link? Don’t touch it. 😀

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