Hitting Bottom

Bound for Olympia, the southernmost port of call on our voyage, we stopped overnight at Oro Bay on the south side of Anderson Island. It’s a really lovely place, but apparently cursed. After dropping the anchor, I discovered that our dinghy motor was broken and my bicycle had a

by Steve
2 min read
Hitting Bottom

Bound for Olympia, the southernmost port of call on our voyage, we stopped overnight at Oro Bay on the south side of Anderson Island. It’s a really lovely place, but apparently cursed. After dropping the anchor, I discovered that our dinghy motor was broken and my bicycle had a flat tire.

We rowed across the bay to Jacob’s Point Park, which occupies the peninsula that separates inner and outer Oro Bay. The 82 acre site was once the homestead and farm of Claude and Maude Jacobs. With those names, how could the marriage fail?

All that remains of the reportedly grand house is the chimney and a few rusty bits of the cast iron fireplace

We left early the next morning in order to catch the flood tide to Olympia. Rather than head directly to our marina, we went to the bottom end of Budd Inlet – virtually next door to the State Capitol – and tied up at Percival Landing.

There’s a decent dock here next to an attractive waterfront park. It was easy walking distance to an excellent supermarket (sorely needed), the Farmers’ Market (ditto) and a coffee shop (sorely missed).

The Olympia market operates under cover and is open most days year-round.

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