Fish and Chips at Felixstowe

The weather is improving. Yippee! It was a little disappointing to leave Seattle just when a spell of 75+ degree days started to find ourselves in cold and wet. Today, we once again made the short drive to Felixstowe, but to a different, more northerly part known as Old Felixstowe.

by Steve
2 min read

The weather is improving. Yippee! It was a little disappointing to leave Seattle just when a spell of 75+ degree days started to find ourselves in cold and wet.

Today, we once again made the short drive to Felixstowe, but to a different, more northerly part known as Old Felixstowe. The goal was twofold. First, to meet old friends Jim and Betty who live mostly in Hong Kong but also have a flat in Guildford. Jim was also on the Berlin to Budapest bike ride with Andy and me.

Our other goal for visiting Felixstowe was fish and chips.

Andy and Betty choose their orders.

The building in the distance is Bawdsey Manor, where radar was invented during WW II.

A military tower used to defend against invasion by Napoleon.

Another tower converted into a residence.

Boats at anchor in the River Deben.

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