Bond. James Bond.

Remember the 007 movies where Bond would strip off a wet suit or something revealing an impeccable tuxedo underneath? Then he’d stroll into a casino that looked nothing like the ones most of us have seen. Today we visited the casino at Baden-Baden, an old school German spa town.

by Steve
3 min read

Remember the 007 movies where Bond would strip off a wet suit or something revealing an impeccable tuxedo underneath? Then he’d stroll into a casino that looked nothing like the ones most of us have seen.

Today we visited the casino at Baden-Baden, an old school German spa town. I’ll get around to showing you some photos of the area later, but first have a look at the casino.

The older rooms date to about 1852 and the latest to 2013. I don’t think you’ll have trouble telling the two apart.

First, the Reception where one gains admission by showing an Identity card or passport. Also, where you will be refused admission if you are not properly attired.

Now, the Winter Garden. This room, modeled after the style of Louis XVI, offers both French and American roulette.

The Florentine Room, in the style of Louis XIII, offers blackjack. Note the artfully hidden WC doors in the last photo.

We now pass quickly through the new, and very purple, Amber Club.

The Pompadour Salon, modeled after the boudoir of Madame Pompadour in the castle Petit Trianon. Free roulette lessons are sometimes offered here, as are weddings.

The Red Hall, based on a hall in Versailles. In the past, this room was used as a theatre. Franz Liszt and Clara Schumann performed here.

We finish our tour in the Bénazet Hall, named after a former casino leaseholder, Jacques Bénazet.

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