
During our two and a half days in Baden-Baden we did a couple of walks through the town and surrounding area. As a spa town, Baden-Baden attracted more than its share of major and minor nobility, and wealthy commoners. As the photos show, they built some pretty nice homes for

by Steve
2 min read

During our two and a half days in Baden-Baden we did a couple of walks through the town and surrounding area. As a spa town, Baden-Baden attracted more than its share of major and minor nobility, and wealthy commoners. As the photos show, they built some pretty nice homes for themselves.

We dined at this Disneyland version of a German beer hall brought to us by Lowenbrau. Although it looks a little hokey, the food was good, the prices reasonable and the staff professional.

A few photos from our walk in the country, including a small chapel high on a hill next to a vineyard.

Finally a couple of exterior shots of the Trinkhalle – the interior doesn’t look like much. It houses the pump house for the Kurhaus spa complex.

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