

Zaragoza dates back to 14 BC when it was established by the Romans. There’s little left from that period, but there is a spectacular basilica, a Moorish palace, a Goya museum, and enough general interest material to make a stop worthwhile. But let’s begin with a quick look

by Steve

Barcelona Cathedral

There is a claim that this cathedral dates to the fourth century, but I think that’s kind of playing with numbers. The current structure was likely built on the ruins of something earlier, or greatly expanded it. The real action started in the fourteenth century. Practically yesterday. Rick Steve’

by Steve


We decided that we couldn’t leave town without taking another look at this amazing place. 125 years or so since construction began, it’s still going strong. Two new towers are rising (look for their flat tops in the photos). There are eight towers now and a whopping eighteen

by Steve

Where Ya Going?

Thanks to road construction, police blockades, and loss of GPS signal, it took forever to escape Andorra. It was worth it to return to lovely Barcelona.

by Steve

On the Road to Andorra

Andorra is a tiny country of about 80,000 souls tucked into the Pyrenees mountains between France and Spain. It has a reputation as a place to live if you want to avoid paying tax, but this may be less true these days. Quite a few professional bike racers call

by Steve

Not Collioure

There’s a joke about places that are quiet in the evenings and on weekends, it goes: “I went to xxx once, but it was closed.” When I lived in New Zealand, you could fill in the name of anyplace in the country. Today we had a similar experience in

by Steve


This is La Mas Bresson, a former stable that will be our home for the next three days. As you can see, it’s been improved. We share it with a German couple and a couple of Canadians from Montreal. After settling in, we drove to an auberge a few

by Steve


I know, I know, I know. Another day, another damned walled medieval city. But look, the Medieval period went on for a long time, plenty long enough to build a lot of these places. And even though they’re similar, there are enough differences to make each one interesting. Carcassone,

by Steve

Toulouse II

We booked one of those around-the-city bus tours for this morning. I thought I’d be taking a ton of photos, but took none. Although we saw a lot, the bus never put passengers in a position to take photos of the things we passed. So let me take up

by Steve