
How much would you pay?

Welcome to Southwold, a somewhat more upscale seaside town. Or village. I’m never sure when a village becomes a town. The subject of this post is Beach Huts. You’ve seen them before in my Felixstowe post. To review: they are essentially toolsheds on leased land by the beach.

by Steve

Andy and Me and the Frogeye

In the States, we call them Bugeyes. Apparently they’re known as Frogeyes in England. At least that’s what Andy calls his. More formally, this is an Austin Healy Sprite, smaller sibling to the venerable Austin Healy 3000.

by Steve

Fish and Chips at Felixstowe

The weather is improving. Yippee! It was a little disappointing to leave Seattle just when a spell of 75+ degree days started to find ourselves in cold and wet. Today, we once again made the short drive to Felixstowe, but to a different, more northerly part known as Old Felixstowe.

by Steve

A Day by the Sea

We bid farewell to Avril and Peter and boarded the train bound for Suffolk. We were looking forward to a few days with friends Danielle and Andy at their home near Woodbridge. Andy and I have been friends since we met in the early Eighties. Andy was living in Hong

by Steve

Dinner in a country pub

There are not many things better than dinner and a pint of bitter in a country pub.

by Steve

Blood, Sweat and Tears

Today, let’s talk about the Jazz/Rock group from the Seventies, known for such hits as “Spinning Wheel” and “You made me so very happy”. Just kidding. We’re talking about one of the most accomplished men of the Twentieth Century, Sir Winston Churchill. His actual quote is, “I

by Steve

Divorced, Beheaded, Died...

…Divorced, Beheaded, Survived. If you’d gone to school in England rather than wasting your time elsewhere, you’d recognize this short rhyme as describing the fate of the six wives of Henry the Eighth. Today, between rain squalls, we had a look at Hever Castle, home of Beheadee #1,

by Steve

Recycle? No, reuse!

Walking Leo through the village this morning, we came across a tailor’s shop in a former newspaper vendor kiosk and a house in an old water tower. You will see things like this all over the country. So much more interesting than demolishing in order to build cheap condos

by Steve

A Walk in the Woods

One more nine hour flight under our belts, mercifully uneventful. We exited Heathrow into heavy rain and light fog in the company of our friend Peter who had driven up from his home in Surrey to collect us. After a short nap and lunch at a local pub, we took

by Steve