
A Journey... (cont.)

Let’s have a look at another way that private property was reused by the GDR. The village oh Rheinsberg is best known for Rheinsberg Palace and it’s surrounding park. Like many palaces, this one has housed a lot of privileged people. The ones that most interest us are

by Steve


I first met “little traffic light man” while cycling through the GDR in 1990. He’s the equivalent of the Walk/Don’t Walk signals at home. Amplemann is hard not to like, with his jaunty walk and his hat. I was not the only one to take a liking

by Steve

A Journey to the East

It’s easy to think of Germany as a single country. Reunification happened a long time ago, right? Imagine your country forcefully divided, each half operating under very different forms of government. Children grow up with different values, different expectations. These differences don’t go away because a treaty was

by Steve

Livin’ High

You say you’ve dined at the Jules Verne in Paris? They know you by name at Commander’s Palace in New Orleans? You yawn when the duck is served in Beijing? Bah. Your life is not complete until you’ve had currywurst at Curry 36 in Kreuzberg.

by Steve

Treptower Park

Soviet troops were the first to reach Berlin during the war and it cost them dearly. This immense memorial was built to honor their sacrifice. Over 9000 are buried here in anonymous graves. To the cynical Western eye, there seems to be quite a bit of propaganda to promote the

by Steve

Damn, damn, damn...

You know how you plan, you pack, then when you arrive you discover that you left your socks behind? Well, I forgot to show you photos from a visit on a sunny English afternoon to Flatford Mills, where John Constable painted some of his best-known works. Don’t know the

by Steve

Poof! We’re in Berlin!

We landed at Schönefeld, the old G.D.R. (East Germany) airport and were met by friends Siegi and Margit. More on them and our first day in Berlin later. In the mean time, here’s the obligatory tourist photo at the Brandenburg Gate.

by Steve

The Last Supper

All good things comes to an end. So, too, our rendezvous with Andy, Danielle, Jim and Betty. The latter two returned to Guildford and Mary Anne and I flew to Berlin. But not before one last dinner at a country pub in Newbourne.

by Steve

The Southwold Pier

Amusement piers are a traditional, if fading, feature of British seaside resorts. You can generally count on them to offer food, much of it Junk, arcade games, souvenirs, and some unexpected joys. In Brighton, I once found a doughnut-making machine that included a mechanical hand that flipped the doughnuts over

by Steve