

When I told Siegi that I wanted to do some cycling, he recommended villages along the Main river. Today, we checked into a hotel called Vogelsburg, near Volkach. You’ll probably have to look for it on a map. but that’s a good thing. Vogelsburg has an excellent restaurant,

by Steve


Bzzzzzzt! We’re back in Berlin (not really, but for purposes of this narrative). Specifically in the former American sector of West Berlin at one of the largest buildings in the world: Tempelhof Airport. If really big empty buildings are your thing, you are going to love these photos. The

by Steve

One, at last!

As I’ve said before, I’m not a great photographer. I just snap what I see in order to share with you. But every now and then I manage to take one that I think is pretty good.

by Steve

On the Town

A few photos while walking around Naumburg.

by Steve

242 Steps of Fun

by Steve

The Naumburg Treasures

After we left the cathedral, we walked to the other side of the cloister to have a look at the so-called treasures held by the cathedral. And who would not call them treasures after seeing these exquisite paintings and carvings? Consider the centuries that have passed since these objects were

by Steve

A Difference of Opinion

When my grandfather returned to Kentucky after living in France for two years, friends asked his impressions of life abroad. His reply, “If you’ve seen one cathedral, you’ve seen them all.” There are days when I would agree with him, but today was not one of those days.

by Steve

Karwe at last

Late in the day, our meandering course took us to Karwe, a village on the banks of the Ruppiner See. Once again, we find ourselves at a former large farm. Same story. Post-GDR the property is restored to a buyer with sufficient funds. Maybe the family of the pre-GDR owner,

by Steve

Lunch with the Classics

While in Rheinsberg, we had lunch at a fish restaurant beside the lake. For reasons that no one could explain, local artists have constructed a scene from the Odyssey along the lake shore. Here we see Odysseus struggling to resist the sirens’ song.

by Steve