
The End of the Road

Unless a road is a loop, it has to end somewhere, right? Well, Highway 101 which runs from California to Oregon to Washington to British Columbia ends here, in Lund. Want to drive further north along the BC coast? Tough luck. It’s all boating from here on. We’ve

by Steve

The Merits of Opportunism

If you try to plan a boat voyage like you plan most other trips, you will probably wind up very unhappy. Like an early start? Too bad, you’ll be fighting the current for four hours. Like to sleep in? Too bad, the wind will be howling by 11:00.

by Steve

Anchors Aweigh

When I was a kid, I thought it was “anchors away”. It makes as much sense, don’t you agree? We left Anacortes this morning in dead calm bound for Ganges on Salt Spring Island. Salt Spring is the main commercial center of the Gulf Islands. These, in turn, are

by Steve

A Preview of Coming Attractions

Some time in early July – as soon as we can get ourselves organized for another trip – we’ll be heading north from Anacortes into the Salish Sea for about four weeks. We plan to blow through the San Juan and Gulf Islands quickly as we head toward the Broughton Island

by Steve

This and That

Poof! Just like that, and a few tons of carbon in the atmosphere later, we’re back in Seattle. Since this blog exists primarily to share travel photos with friends and family, I’ll be going silent until our next trip begins some time in July. But before then, I

by Steve

Ponds, Pads and Paintings

Monet was famous and going blind from cataracts when he came up with the idea of creating a set of huge paintings inspired by his “water garden”. He envisioned a space where the harried urbanite could go to be surrounded by tranquility. Some say that the conversion of an old

by Steve

Monet Slept Here

I was going to title this post “Monet-land”, but decided that it sounded snarky. My point is that Giverny is a perfectly pleasant small village, but no one would visit if Claude Monet had not come here to paint. The aura of his presence, and the ability see the pond

by Steve

Two Nights in a Brothel

Here we are, at the end of our five week ramble through England, Germany and France. Before taking the Eurostar back to London to catch our flight home, we thought we’d spend a couple of days in Paris. On previous visits, we’ve stayed in small, usually friendly, hotels

by Steve

Io Amo Leonardo - Bien Sur

Leonardo, a son of Tuscany. Proudly claimed by Vinci, his home town. “Leonardo da Vinci”, get it? So how did Leonardo come to be buried in France? Why did he bring the Mona Lisa with him when he moved to Amboise a few years before his death? Before answering those

by Steve