

The Islands are full of unexpected, sometimes amusing, things. In the Octopus Islands, someone once left a bit of driftwood in an old shack to commemorate their visit. Now it’s a tradition, with some pretty clever efforts.

by Steve


Sometimes the water is so still that you can see an almost perfect reflection. One local writer suggested that if you look at these images sideways, they might have served as inspiration for the totem pole.

by Steve

Billy Proctor’s Museum

Bill Proctor has lived all of his 85 years in the Broughton area. He worked as a logger, trapper and fisherman for many years. Later in life, he became a passionate advocate for habitat restoration, primarily salmon. During his time, Bill met many of the true old-timers; men and women

by Steve


That this native village , better known today as New Vancouver, exists is a testament to the vision and determination of one man. A combination of government policy and economics resulted in many people leaving their villages for larger, one might say more Caucasian, places. The grandfather of our guide, Amy,

by Steve

Alive and Well

After hearing the sad story of Port Harvey, I thought you might enjoy seeing a marina that is thriving. Lagoon Cove, run by the Ryan family, features a communal “happy hour” at 5:00 every afternoon. They supply freshly caught prawns, guests supply everything else. We are approaching the book

by Steve

The Zombie Marina

We had to cheat a little on the “run rapids at slack” rule in order to get to the Broughtons today. We hit Green Point rapids about an hour before slack and ran with the flow. Nothing eventful and it was nice to get a push along our way. We

by Steve

Getting close!

We ran the Gillard and Dent rapids early and uneventfully, bound for Blind Channel marina. This will be our last stop before heading into the Johnstone Strait and making for the Broughton Island group. Until now, everything has been fairly familiar. But after Blind Channel, it’s all new to

by Steve

A Story Problem

Did you have story problems when you were in school? Microsoft used to think that the ability to solve them was a good measure of programming ability. Some of their products argue otherwise Here’s one for you… Your goal is to transit the Yaculta rapids at slack, that is

by Steve

Pender Harbor Layover

Another out-of-order post, sorry. While we waited out the weather in Pender Harbor, we used our “day off” to do a few boat chores, then took a walk around the area. Here’s a nearby lake with a simple resort offering cabins and RV parking. Everyone seems to be having

by Steve