
Hola Amigos!

Happy Cinco de Mayo!

by Steve


After unleashing I ❤️ Small Museums on the world, I realized that there is one more small museum that I just have to show you. The Museum of Witchcraft and Magic – Boscastle, England We hired a car in Bristol intending to spend a month meandering down the

by Steve

Not a Museum

Maryborough, Queensland, Australia,_Queensland We hired a car (Can’t say “rented”. This is Australia, mate!) in Sydney intending to make our way north to Gladstone on the Queensland coast. After several fun-filled days in Brisbane, we were looking for a place to stop

by Steve

I ❤️ Small Museums

As the late, great Billie Holiday once sang: Fish gotta swim, birds gotta fly, bloggers gotta blog. I started this damp Saturday by boring the socks off of the nice folks who use Convoglio email. They were treated to a longish discourse on two alternative ways to train Spam filters.

by Steve

Bear and Not Bear

People are putting bears in their windows to amuse passersby. We wanted to get in on the fun, but our house isn’t ideal since we don’t have any windows on the front of the house. So we did what we could with the “windows” in our front door.

by Steve

Slimy, Glowing Things

When I first arrived as a new immigrant to what was then immodestly known as “God’s Own Country”, there were far fewer major tourist attractions than there are today. The mud pots of Rotorua bubbled as they still do, Queenstown was a charming village set amongst mind-numbing scenery between

by Steve

Matia Island

Unlike Sucia Island, where the Spanish pronunciation is not commonly used, Matia is pronounced Mah-tee-ah more often than not. You will find some who say May-sha, but not many. Most of this 145 acre Island is managed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service as a National Wildlife Refuge.

by Steve

Sucia Island

Arrrrrgh! Grab a chart me mateys and follow along as I tell ye a tale o’ social distancing on the high seas. Arrrrrgh (again)! Or, you can have a look at the route we took here. Let me begin with a short history lesson. These Islands were “discovered” (in the

by Steve

Scolds and Wag-fingers

Let's all take a breath before telling others how to react to the pandemic.

by Steve