
A Visit with an Old Friend

After leaving Bell Harbor, we dropped anchor for lunch on Blake Island, a State Marine Park not far offshore. Our friends Patty and Douglas came along for the ride and – bonus – brought a terrific lunch. After lunch, we cruised north to Eagle Harbor on Bainbridge Island. Douglas and Patty caught

by Steve

A Change of Perspective

“Hey”, Mike said as his friend Chip walked into the bar. “How’s it hangin’?” “I wouldn’t know”, Chip sighed. “It hasn’t gotten much action lately.” Bob thought that Chip looked kind of down. Not like his usual self. “What are you talkin’ about, pal? Judy’s hot.

by Steve

The Well-known Unknown

Find a map and stick a pin in it where you find Anacortes, Washington. Now, imagine that you are floating on a boat nearby. You can turn north and explore the San Juan and Gulf Islands, poke your nose into dozens of interesting ports along the Sunshine Coast of British

by Steve

Johnny Freedum

Johnny loves his freedom; the freedom to do whatever he wants, and the freedom to tell other folks what they can and can't do.

by Steve

Not Dead Yet

We walked down the street this morning to have a look at the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone, or as locals call it The CHAZ. More on this in a moment. What is a Domestic Terrorist? There’s no hard and fast definition, so let me give you my answer. A

by Steve

The Girl Next Door

A short voyage to an obvious but unvisited place.

by Steve

Watching the Walkers

We drop anchor in Garrison Bay. This is where the British were stationed during the “Pig War” that ultimately decided the border between the US and Canada.

by Steve

Stuart Island

Faithful readers will remember Stuart Island from previous journeys of P.V. Impromptu. The Island has a few year-round residents, more in years past, but is now mostly a spot for second homes. There are two harbors on Stuart Island: Prevost Harbor on the north side, and Reid Harbor on

by Steve

Jones Island

Another week of projected good weather inspired more self-isolation on the high seas. Once again the challenge was to plan in itinerary that included only uninhabited (or very sparsely inhabited) places. We began our journey with a two-and-a-half hour cruise to little Jones Island. Jones, which lies just off the

by Steve