
A Matter of Scale

The Earth will kill you. This green field beckons. People seem to have a hardwired affinity for green. This particular patch is deceptively huge. There are herds of elk roaming down there that look like ants from there I was standing. In fact, the meadow is fourteen miles in diameter.

by Steve

Visiting Dr. Atomic

Prior to the Second World War, there was nothing much to Los Alamos except for a private boarding school for rich Eastern boys and a few homesteaders. When the government decided that Los Alamos was just the place to try to develop an atomic bomb in complete secrecy, the boys

by Steve


Taos has a reputation far beyond its size. You have to endure a long drive through strip malls that your screaming brain thinks will never end to reach the rather charming old core of the village. Taos has a reputation as an arts community and if your taste runs to

by Steve

Cool Junque

Do you have the Roadside America app for your phone? You should if you like finding quirky stuff as you travel. That’s where I found Camel Rock and that’s where I found this jewel. This collection of, well, “stuff” sits beside the highway with no explanation of who

by Steve


We are not given to returning to the same places to do the same things as a way to relive the past. But when we visit Santa Fe we always stay at The Inn of the Governors and we always stay in Room 259. Is the Inn better than other

by Steve

Painted Desert - Part 1

Here’s what I don’t get: the Painted Desert covers thousands of acres, but doesn’t merit national park status on its own. Instead, it’s bundled like an afterthought into the Petrified Forest National Park. This is hard luck for the rainbow hills because there are a lot

by Steve

Get Your Kicks… in the Badlands

You know why they’re called the Badlands, don’t you? It’s because the area is … bad … land. Having the afternoon temperature pushing 110 degrees – and that’s at 5000 feet – didn’t make them any better. But I don’t mean to whine about the heat. For someone

by Steve

Little Sucia Island

Before we begin, let me ask you this: If most folks call Matia Island Mah-TEE-ah, why isn’t Sucia Island pronounced Sue-SEE-ah? Just goes to show that you can’t count on anything. Prior to this trip, I didn’t know that the small Island that forms part of Fox

by Steve

Poe-tay-toe, Poe-tah-toe

There’s some disagreement about the pronunciation of Matia Island’s name. Most say Mah-TEE-ah but there are diehards who insist on MAY-sha. Then again, there are multiple pronunciations for a lot of things around here. Matia is very difficult to visit, particularly during the crowded high season. The coastline

by Steve