
The Heard Museum - Sculpture

After spending considerable time in Home, we had a look at the sculpture garden. This gave us a chance to remove our masks, a nice break. For the record, not everyone in Arizona is a mask-refusing “freedom fighter”. As a whole, the folks in the Phoenix area are pretty good

by Steve


We drove into Old Scottsdale this evening for Marguritas and Mole and ran into the Canal Convergence. Scottsdale abounds with festivals like this. Unlike a lot of places, event planners don’t much worry about backup plans in case the weather is less than perfect. If you want to know

by Steve

The Heard Museum - Home

I suck. ”Home” is an important part of the Heard – a window into the past of several important tribes. You can examine the clothing, customs, arts and crafts of each tribe. It’s interesting to see what they share and what makes each tribe unique. Sadly for you and the

by Steve

The Heard Museum - An Introduction

If we lived forever, would we value life less? Would we value it at all? Is scarcity an essential attribute of value? Was it better when cameras relied on film and we didn’t take so damned many photos? I was pondering the last question whilst sorting through the mass

by Steve

Book Report

Every now and then I decide to fill one of the many gaps in my education by reading a well-known book. Some were washouts. I will never finish Moby Dick. Others were time well spent. Thank you Hemingway for A Farewell to Arms. Thank you F. Scott for The Beautiful

by Steve

A Broken Promise

Leaving Roosevelt Lake, we headed southeast to Globe, Arizona for breakfast at a typical small town cafe. That is to say, everyone in the place knew everyone else. Except us. Didn’t matter. Everyone was either friendly or uninterested and no one got shot. After downing our tasty scrambled eggs

by Steve

Tonto National Monument

Back in the day, and by “back” I mean about 900 years ago, a group of people now known as the Salado found a couple of great caves to live in. Two hundred years later, they left. The higher, better preserved one can only be visited on guided tours that

by Steve

The Tonto Basin

When they see the word “Tonto”, people of a certain age can’t help but think of Jay Silverheels. A fine fellow to be sure, but he’s not the topic of this post. A circuitous route through the mountains left us, two hours later, exactly east of Scottsdale at

by Steve

Halloween 2021

???????????????????? Another “expert virologist” bites the dust.

by Steve