
Sagrada Familia

I’ve wanted to see this place for quite a while. When I first came across photos of this crazy church with its fruit-topped spires and wild colors, i knew that it was a something to visit before shuffling off the old mortal coil. Before Gaudi, i guess the big

by Steve

Étude - Now we're cookin'

“I love it when a plan comes together” John “Hannibal” Smith, leader of the A-team I agree completely. We were frankly amazed to see how much progress had been made since our last visit to the Nordic Tugs factory about a month ago. It shows what they can do when

by Steve

Étude - Progress at last!

It’s been quite a while since I was able to show you any progress on Étude. The Nordic Tugs factory is not huge and can’t work on many boats at the same time. There are four steps: 1. Cast the hull, cabin and other pieces 2. Install everything

by Steve

Boots n’ Saddles

We took a day trip to Wikenberg, an historic Arizona town. Some say that the old town center is the main attraction. Perhaps so. But the major organized attraction is the local museum. I planned to write a post about the museum as a whole. Then I realized that the

by Steve

Good Job!

Still, it’s nice to know that they’re trying to protect us from the ducks. ????????????

by Steve

Art and...

We visited an exhibit of South Asian art a few nights ago. It was interesting but I wasn’t moved to take any photos until I found a dark little room with three Buddha figures. Bonus! While looking through my photos, I found a door in Roussillon, France. Whatever you

by Steve

Happy New Year

Seattle had a rare dump of snow a few days ago. We walked up the hill this morning to see what some clever people had done to “improve” the well-known sculpture Black Sun by Isamu Noguchi. That inspired a short end-of-year post to share a few holiday themed photos. Here’

by Steve

A Trip to the Zoo

”Hey, let’s check out the Holiday lights at the zoo.” ”What if it rains?”, said no one in Phoenix ever. There’s nothing special here, just a holiday light show at the zoo. Lots of cities have them, Seattle for example. The difference is being able to stroll the

by Steve

Indian Schools

A look at the arrogant, misguided program to “improve” indigenous people by eradicating their culture.

by Steve