

We nipped in just ahead of closing day to take a look at OUR BLUE PLANET: GLOBAL VISIONS OF WATER at the Seattle Art Museum. It was an interesting exhibit, although the connection of some of the works to water was sometimes tenuous. Pacific Northwest tribes were well-represented. Beyond traditional

by Steve

Étude - What a mess!

No, your eyes are not going wonky. All of the photos in this post were taken with a 28mm wide angle lens. I figured I’d need it for the interior shots, then was too lazy to switch to a different lens for photos outside of the boat. You won’

by Steve

Random, Arizona

Theres no story to be told this time, just a few photos of things i thought you might like to see. Well, maybe one little story… Some of you, my most perceptive and tasteful of readers, have said nice things about a few of my photos. That got me thinking.

by Steve

Étude - Two Become One

It was the best of posts, it was the worst of posts. With apologies to Charles Dickens OK, “worst” may be a little harsh. But it worked with the quote and isn’t that what’s really important? I say worst because there isn’t a lot of new information

by Steve

Étude - Making Water

“Making water”. Sounds kind of like magic, doesn’t it? Well it’s not magic, it’s misrepresentation. Water-making is really water filtering, and it’s energy-intensive which is why we’re not all drinking the Pacific Ocean. Creating drinking water to rival any bottled product from plain old sea

by Steve

Sevilla Leftovers

It’s been a while since we were able to get together with our friends Andy and Danielle so it was great that we were able to see them for four days in Sevilla. Andy and I go way back. Back to about 1982 when he was living in Hong

by Steve

The Alhambra

“Do not weep like a woman for what you could not defend as a man.” Abu Abdallah’s mother Ouch! In 1492, besides Columbus sailing the ocean blue, the Moorish king Abu Abdallah surrendered the Alhambra to the Christian forces of Ferdinand and Isabella. As he cast a last backwards

by Steve

The Alcázar of Sevilla

As you may have noticed, my post on the Alhambra has yet to appear. That’s because I know it’s going to be long and so I’m waiting for the haze induced by nine hours of timezone shift to clear before tackling it. So, I thought, I’ll

by Steve

Seville Cathedral

Santa Maria de la Sede is shaped like a square. This is unusual for a cathedral as most tend to form a cross. But the builders had an extra requirement when laying out this structure: to cover the footprint of the 160,000 square foot mosque that formerly occupied the

by Steve