
La Cuesta Encantada – The Upstairs Suites

If you were lucky enough to be invited to stay at the Castle, you could expect to find yourself in pretty spectacular surroundings. We saw the public rooms in the previous post, now let’s have a look at bedrooms. Hearst never “finished” working on the Castle, and probably never

by Steve

La Cuesta Encantada - The Grand Rooms

“This must be a new experience for you to see the grand home of rich people”, I said to the British family joining us on our first tour. Hearst imagined The Enchanted Hill not as a house or even a single structure. His model was a small Spanish town with

by Steve

La Cuesta Encantada - The Visitor Center

Most folks call this monument to tasteful pillaging Hearst Castle but its given name is La Cuesta Encantada, which means The Enchanted Hill. I’m here to tell you that when you sprinkle the fairy dust of money on ranch land, you conjure up a whole boatload ‘o enchanted architecture.

by Steve

Itty Bitty Inn

Meet Rik, creator and proprietor of the Itty Bitty Inn in North Bend, Oregon. Although the motel was built in 1950, you can bet it didn’t look like this in the early days. Rik took over about 1980 and began the transformation into the whacky place you see today.

by Steve

The Plucky Corolla

Scottsdale folks love cars They drive them pretty fast and pretty well on their wide flat roads. On any given day it’s not uncommon to find yourself at a traffic signal next to a white Bentley convertible, a lime green Lamborghini, a steel grey McLaren, or any number of

by Steve


Why the funny name for this post? If you live nearby, I’m hoping to motivate you to visit SAM and see Giacometti’s works for yourself. This is a small taste of what’s on display. There are sketches, paintings, many more sculptures and a short film showing the

by Steve

Étude - Getting close!

We dropped into the Nordic factory on our way back from Canada. I was hoping for a firm delivery date, but didn’t get one. As best we know, Étude will be on the water some time before the end of the month. But that’s not delivery. It’s

by Steve

Canada D'eh

God, it’s nice to visit a country where half the population doesn’t uncritically believe everything a power-mad narcissist says. Sorry, just had to get that off my chest. In late June, we made a kind of mini-tour of British Columbia to catch up with Mary Anne’s relatives,

by Steve


This post is a test. I moved my blog to a new cloud server and want to make sure that posting, including the email notification sent out, still works. As long as I was testing, I figured I might as well include some pretty photos of glass work from the

by Steve