
I first met “little traffic light man” while cycling through the GDR in 1990. He’s the equivalent of the Walk/Don’t Walk signals at home. Amplemann is hard not to like, with his jaunty walk and his hat. I was not the only one to take a liking

by Steve
1 min read

I first met “little traffic light man” while cycling through the GDR in 1990. He’s the equivalent of the Walk/Don’t Walk signals at home. Amplemann is hard not to like, with his jaunty walk and his hat.

I was not the only one to take a liking to Amplemann. He is one of the few things that everyone agreed was better in the East. Now you will find him at intersections all around Berlin – he’s been adopted as a kind of mascot for the city.

And – there are Amplemann shops!

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