A Trip to the Zoo

”Hey, let’s check out the Holiday lights at the zoo.” ”What if it rains?”, said no one in Phoenix ever. There’s nothing special here, just a holiday light show at the zoo. Lots of cities have them, Seattle for example. The difference is being able to stroll the

by Steve
3 min read
A Trip to the Zoo

”Hey, let’s check out the Holiday lights at the zoo.”

”What if it rains?”, said no one in Phoenix ever.

There’s nothing special here, just a holiday light show at the zoo. Lots of cities have them, Seattle for example. The difference is being able to stroll the scene with the temperature in the mid-seventies.

I took a few, well quite a few, photos of things I liked. First are general scenes, then animals made of lights, and finally animals with lights inside.

Entrance tunnel – cool!
If they really have a dragon at the zoo, I’m coming back!
Likewise this guy.
The Eye of Sauron?

Tired of foot and dry of mouth, we headed to Rough Rider, a newly opened speakeasy in downtown Phoenix. Good food, exceptional cocktails, and a bit of a puzzle to find. Only one car in the bank of elevators will take you to this secret underground location.

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